Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Play Populous The Beginning Lan


Two major problems, two great opportunity!


To understand and find a credible solution to the problem of the incinerator in Parma, the center-left has decided to address with clarity the question of public environmental services. The problem of proper waste management, it should be added that the proper water management. On the latter issue, we have the impression that the center-left is going on something of a paradox: on the one hand, its political claim to basically not in favor of economic importance of water service, and second, these same forces peacefully accepted fact that today Iren and Hera (the ex-municipal with significant private equity) manage water services for most of the municipalities in our region, in stark contrast to the numerous resolutions, agendas, proposals for statutory changes, which propagate in many councils.

In the province of Parma, as well as Iren, we have two wholly owned operating the public water service (Emiliambiente and Mountain 2000). These two companies will soon have to deal with the legislation on privatization, in an uncertain regulatory environment (we do not know if the referenda will be held) and it is not clear what will be the institution that will inherit the powers of the Authority (Territorial Area ) that, except for plot twists, will be dropped later this year.


From the point of view of one of the gestures waste must be recognized that the abolition of the ATO can overcome one of the most important reasons that motivated the decision to build an incineration plant in Parma. With the abolition of the ATO, skip the logic of "territorial" for which each province must be fully self-sufficient in waste disposal. On the other hand, it is unclear who will inherit the powers of the ATO, in How will managed the relationship with the territories and that spatial planning will be designed for managers of services.

In these s ettimane you hear talk of a possible transfer to the Region of the current comp and powers of the ATO. If the place of strategic decisions and org anizzative will be moved to Bologna, it is very likely that the small municipalities in addition to not being consulted in major decisions (as is the case now), they will more easily confront and contain the industrial policies of gr andi managers (Iren and Hera) aimed increasingly to maximize the pro thick. Decision making on service re schiano of consultation beyond the area of \u200b\u200bprovincial capitals and a few other privileges.


The attitude that the region will art icle after passing the ATO will then determine the future of all societies in the area. We fear that from this point of view in the center-left ruling class, despite the push from the bottom in defense of public water, there is a fund that accepts resignation of water privatization as an accepted fact, decided irreversible and inevitable.

S e are also convinced that the incinerator each other, the space resolution can only go by region. The Board believes that our group is very difficult to identify and implement an "alternative parmigiana. Another thing would be instead to redefine and reorganize the regional system, assuming that sustainable nine incinerators already operating are more than enough for a region with such a high level of recycling and has plenty of room for improvement.


With proper environmental policy seems viable in order to prepare a regional plan to arrive thirty years of gradually turning off all the incineration plants and that:

  • exceed the concept of provincial autonomy , with that of regional autonomy;
  • conversion and recalculation spending commitments already made to the incinerator at Parma, an alternative to a plant;
  • enhance and extend the collection drive throughout the region, from the family home wherever possible;
  • providing economic incentives and tax breaks companies which seek to contain the packaging and reducing waste incurred with disincentives against all others;
  • provides for the construction of plants for the recovery of additional fractions conferred on the dry-residue;
  • requires activation throughout the region of extrusion equipment such as Vedelago.

Our proposal is therefore to be limited not to seek an alternative solution to the incinerator in Parma, but to re-discuss the whole regional system to stop building these facilities and time off existing ones!

We think so, so much the game over the groove neritore , you agree that the water today in Bologna. But we have the perception that these issues in the center-left there is the embarrassment and the fear of challenging the current system, which now provides the highest profit sector environment of Irene and Hera.


If the center-left continue to proclaim the one hand the sacred principles of the defense of individual rights and the environment, both sides will continue to endorse and support the programs of economic powers, will continue the haemorrhage of votes from those disillusioned voters expressing their treble through the turnout and the vote to protest movements. The result that the Movement has achieved five stars in April, should remind us that the ambiguity only bring balance to the political arena.

Board Our group represents both " Refoundation Communist" and "Left Ecology and Freedom." The recovery of the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the left second pass through a new consideration of the term "ecology" framework, a common system for equitable and sustainable economic environment for people to society.

Today this delicate transition on incinerator and water may represent a problem, but if there is the ability to use them to set a policy that focuses on individuals and the collective good, then they will become an opportunity for us to express ourselves and act in a clear, consensus and recover really bring the country to the Left!


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