Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Many Calories In A Fried Vegetable Stirfry

WATER Nostalgia for the future - look forward to the referendum!

Municipal Council 29/12/2011

Agenda for the call for a moratorium on the regulation on
Water Service Integrated

Given that
  • with Resolution No. CC 4 / 2010 the City of Colorno amended its Charter by introducing paragraph 4 of Article 46, the principle that " the water service is a public service free of local economic importance, since it is essential to ensure ' access water for all and equal human dignity for all citizens and therefore the management of which should be implemented according to Article .. 31 and 114 of Legislative Decree No 267/2000 "
  • over one million and four hundred thousand men and women of this country have signed the three referendum questions promoted by the Italian Forum of Water Movements and a great social gathering in the coalition Organizing Committee.
  • the right of access to water, as well primary and universal, is incompatible with any form of privatization and market delivery of a commodity essential to life;
  • our country is crossed by an important and widespread debate on all legislation currently in force regarding the management of water services, from the "Ronchi Decree" that wants to finalize the privatization
  • with their subscription to the proposed referendum, those women and men have laid an essential question of democracy: the management of goods essential to life, the decision can not be delegated to anyone but should belong to everyone through the referendum.

The City Council of the City of Colo rno calls

- the political forces and institutions:

  • immediate approval, no later than 31.12.2010, a measure of grace about the deadlines specified by the "Ronchi Decree" law and suppression of Authority of Territorial;
  • the extension after the referendum the deadlines imposed by art. 23 bis of Law No. 133/2008, as amended, (31 December 2010 in some situations and for other December 31, 2011), and those proposed by the Law 42/2010 on the suppression of the A. ATO, as organs of a decision by the municipalities on the pattern of expectations.
  • The approval of a measure derogating from the provisions of Law 352/1970, in order to carry out the referendum in 2011, even in the event of early elections;
- to local authorities:
  • ripubblicizzazione the water service and its governance and participatory, stopping all initiatives that prepare the entry of private companies in the further increase in their share capital and corporate all the maneuvers of incorporation of the great managers in the for small operations.
-> L ' art. 46 of Statute of the City of Colorno
-> Forums Water Common Good


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