Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Work Pamazepam

common network

Network common is the participatory process that we started with the Coordination of Associations for the purpose of networking projects, share and promote the area and to identify the municipal contributions to be paid.

The recent decline in economic resources available to municipalities and other public bodies, together with the period of economic recession impose review of policies for providing Grants to outside parties.

The municipality must ensure fact, the principal economic resources necessary for their operation and the provision of services under its jurisdiction. Today, the challenge administration is realized in the ability to contain expenditure and to implement its policies in the territory, using fewer resources.

It is therefore necessary to design a new course to reconcile with the scarcity of resources made by the planning and land administration policy goals.

The underlying principle is that to put projects at the center of the new rules. The project "common network" originated during the meeting of the association between 17/05/2010 and Administration, during which we faced the problem of rethinking the approach to the subject of contributions.

occasion was activated a working group between Administration and Coordination of Associations to try to share new rules. The result of the working group has resulted in the establishment of the experimental project "Common network", illustrated and discussed with the charities on 12 October.

The new rules provide that requests for assistance from the associations to be submitted by 30/11/2010 for the construction of projects for the year 2011. Contributions will be paid based on the quality of the projects will be evaluated by the Administration together with the Coordination of Associations.

-> The presentation on the website of the City of Colorno
-> The text of the draft common network
-> The form required contributions 2011


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