Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kidney Stone Near The Bladder

restructure the public debt and stimulate the economy

last City Council has approved the restructuring of part of the debt of the City, taking advantage of the possibilities offered by cash deposits and loans, which led to the renegotiation of the balance on forty mortgages.

This is a very important maneuver because will enable the City to release capacity investment in the coming years (especially in the first 5) or in a period when you still feel the effects of the economic crisis.

The remaining debt will be spread in next thirty years generating long-term increased spending offset by lower spending for the first ten years.

The move stems from the need to cope with lower revenues that will occur in coming years, but also to express clearly the choice of economic recovery through increased spending power by the entity.

The resources will be freed from this renegotiation will indeed be used for new investments.

sound management of public debt economy makes it possible to turn, to generate quality of life which then translates into wealth distributed on territory and then again in revenue for the institution.

-> The site of Cassa .
-> The renegotiation of mortgages.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How To Help My Baby Get Out Phlegm

The City that becomes light ...

The "City of Light" is designed to make the system a number of actions initiated and promoted in recent years in regard to the promotion of good practices on waste reduction and recovery.

logo same as "City Light" meant to be a certification of quality with which the City of
Colorno says the focus on good practices and new lifestyles compatible.

The project is sponsored and conducted by Department of the Environment and Public Services of the City of
Colorno, in collaboration with the Department of Education. The 5

actions of the project involved on several fronts in order to "attack" at 360 ° the problem of waste production:

  1. Shopping Light. A retailer who engages in small but significant changes in the sale of and approach to consumption. These shops, which are intended to be recognized for
    sensitivity to good practice will be encouraged and promoted economic circuit Stores Light. "
  2. Light Condos. These are condominiums that most of all will make every effort to maximize the collection and to optimize the mechanisms of exposure of the bins within the service done by the waste operator Iren. These condos will have an economic incentive. The initiative also aims to introduce the metrics that will settle in future mechanisms
  3. Kids Light. The families of children born in 2010 who decide to use
    durable diapers will receive a financial incentive of $ 50.
  4. Bring Sport. Through the involvement of the exercises of the circuit "Light Shopping" would promote the banning of bags of plastic.
  5. re-usable. activities continued recovery of durable goods held at the Ecological Station at which you add several collection points in the clothing area.

For more information on the project, contact the Environment of the City of Colorno

Tel 0521.31.37.34 Email:

-> L ' abstract project "COMMON LIGHT";
-> The full project "COMMON LIGHT" approved by the City Council;
-> The presentation of "common light" to Fornovo of Taro.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Genital Warts In Black Males

4 steps to the Earth ... We

October 22, 2010
4 Steps for Earth
Meeting No. 4
Waste - Recycling - Reuse

What solutions?

Public Library

21.00 hours that evening will be devoted to the theme of waste
experiences, practices to reduce and good management.

Speakers of the evening:

  • Mirko Reggiani, Deputy Mayor of the City of Colorno
    case of optimization of waste management
  • Joseph Boselli, service environment of the Province of Parma
    projects and made proposals to reduce the waste
  • Carlo Oppici, deputy in charge of the town of Taro Fornovo
Free admission

-> The site of Legambiente Fornovo Taro
-> The poster of 4 steps to the ground
-> The project Municipality of the City of Light Colorno

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Work Pamazepam

common network

Network common is the participatory process that we started with the Coordination of Associations for the purpose of networking projects, share and promote the area and to identify the municipal contributions to be paid.

The recent decline in economic resources available to municipalities and other public bodies, together with the period of economic recession impose review of policies for providing Grants to outside parties.

The municipality must ensure fact, the principal economic resources necessary for their operation and the provision of services under its jurisdiction. Today, the challenge administration is realized in the ability to contain expenditure and to implement its policies in the territory, using fewer resources.

It is therefore necessary to design a new course to reconcile with the scarcity of resources made by the planning and land administration policy goals.

The underlying principle is that to put projects at the center of the new rules. The project "common network" originated during the meeting of the association between 17/05/2010 and Administration, during which we faced the problem of rethinking the approach to the subject of contributions.

occasion was activated a working group between Administration and Coordination of Associations to try to share new rules. The result of the working group has resulted in the establishment of the experimental project "Common network", illustrated and discussed with the charities on 12 October.

The new rules provide that requests for assistance from the associations to be submitted by 30/11/2010 for the construction of projects for the year 2011. Contributions will be paid based on the quality of the projects will be evaluated by the Administration together with the Coordination of Associations.

-> The presentation on the website of the City of Colorno
-> The text of the draft common network
-> The form required contributions 2011

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mount And Blade Szkinek

Factory BEST - work in progress

Factory meets BEST! We enter in vivo work, in order to prepare a notice of public initiatives to bring people's attention the real policy issues, those that address the broad principles and also from the experience of local daily.

To line up ideas and start working, we'll see:

Monday, 11/10 at Colorno by Fio at 21.15

Factory is open to all : Even people who want to come to take a trip to listen. Come without effort, bringing ideas, proposals or just your curiosity ...

Hello. Mirko

-> The results on what, WHERE, WHEN the factory.