April 20, 2009, Republic, Article Alessio Balbi
Spam, or better, e-mail junk "polluter as three million cars!
data are these:
62 trillion e-mails are sent every day worldwide
2 billion email accounts are active
97% is the percentage of the total number of spam e-mails exchanged
868 billion of kWh is the estimated energy consumption of the Internet in the world
7 grams is the CO2 produced by a thorough search on google
1752 kWh annual consumption is the energy of each avatar in Second Life
......... We just needed the internet to pollute the environment and aggravate the greenhouse effect ........................ Environmentalists
all the world have a new enemy: it is spam, the junk mail that clogs email boxes with unwanted advertisements, proposals for easy money, scams and viruses. According to a study just published each year due spam ends up in the atmosphere the equivalent greenhouse gas production from 3.1 million cars that consume 7 billion gallons of gasoline. The study, commissioned by McAfee security and conducted by researchers at ICF International, takes into account the energy wasted to transmit, receive and filter all junk mail that travels on the internet. This is something like 62 000 billion messages per year, according to a recent report published by Microsoft now account for 97 percent of all e-mails exchanged in the world. To handle this amount of useless data, servers and PCs that make the Internet consume 33 billion kWh, the equivalent of the energy used in a typical year, 2.4 million homes. McAfee, which is one of the leading anti-spam filters, argues that the use of these devices can save 135 billion kilowatt-hours annually, and in terms of greenhouse gases equivalent to the impact of 13 million cars. When, last November, one of the main speakers of junk e-mail was knocked out, it was as if they had disappeared from the streets of 2.2 million vehicles. "Stopping Spam," said Jeff Green, McAfee, "saves time and money, and is a long-term investment for the whole planet." McAfee obviously has commercial interests in the fight against spam. But the negative effects of spam are well known to anyone with a mailbox, and not only spammers are very quick to follow the habits of Internet users, and their focus is shifting from the old e-mail to the modern social-network . Last week, a malicious software has inundated the twitter users with thousands of automatically generated messages, proving once again that no new medium is immune to spam. is not the first time that researchers are trying to translate the use of new technologies in terms of environmental impact. To throw a new light on the subject was a couple of years ago, Greenpeace, the report 'Cutting Edge Contamination, "which revealed how the major manufacturers of PCs, mobile phones and media players make extensive use of highly toxic chemicals. Recently Alex Wissner-Gross, a physicist at Harvard, has estimated that a thorough search on Google produces between 5 and 10 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2). Earlier it was observed that every Second Life avatar, considering the computing power necessary to manage this virtual world, each year consumes the equivalent of a Brazilian citizen in the flesh. Overall, it is estimated that computers, monitors, modems and other equipment that make up the Internet require an annual output of 868 billion kWh, or 5.3 percent of world energy consumption. (Alessio Balbi)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Curiosity
The origin of the word "spam" comes from a sketch comedy of Monty Python's Flying Circus, set in a place where every dish was proposed based spam, a type of canned meat. A menu of horrified customers. Monty Python tease the flesh Canned Spam constant advertising for the brand she used to bring in a certain period, the Spam was everywhere, hence the sketch of Monty's and then the adjustments are not required to advertise.
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