Monday, December 24, 2007

Do You Getw2 For Disability

A mother and child are walking on the beach. At some point the child asks: "How do you keep a love?" Mom looks at the child and then replied: " Collect some 'sand and tighten your fist ..." The child shakes hands around the sand and see who holds more than 'the sand comes out of his hand. "Mom, but the sand runs away!"
"I know, now keep your hand wide open ..."
The child obeyed, but a gust of wind carries away the remaining sand. "Even so 'I can not hold it!" Mom always smiling "Take up now a little more 'open hand and hold it like a spoon ...
enough to keep it closed and open enough for freedom'."
The child again and the sand does not escape from the hand and is' protected from the wind. " Here's how to stretch a love ..."



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