Wednesday 6 October 2010 , in " Kuminda" , I'll talk to the Teatro Due to public water and how much Public services are really public ...
-> The site Kuminda .
-> The program of the event.
Wednesday 6 October 2010 , in " Kuminda" , I'll talk to the Teatro Due to public water and how much Public services are really public ...
-> The site Kuminda .
-> The program of the event.
We must aim to awaken the conscience of the Italian on the social values \u200b\u200bof reference: we can not build an alternative political hope in Providence.
Certainly the views expressed by Fini opened a crack in the majority but not a turning point in the political thinking that dominates the country. I predict that the initiative of Fini, the pair eventually strengthen Tremonti-League is now the most reactionary exists in Italy.
admit that it would be helpful if there was now a majority in parliament to replace the current electoral law, but little trust in a technical solution based only on common sense. I hope the PD will not be lured by easy political solutions but do not address the crux of the matter: the country today still expresses a right-wing majority.
The aim must be to lead the country Left, not to move to the right to govern.
-> The complete interview on
It 'time to start the factory . Below, find the link with data from the small survey launched in recent days. We decided to organize a first meeting to know each other and share content, method and work plan.
We'll see Monday 13 / 9, in Colorno by Fio at 21.15
course, come without effort, bringing ideas, proposals or simple curiosity ...
Hello. Mirko
-> The results on WHAT, WHERE, WHEN the factory.
"City of Light" is the name of the project with which the City of Colorno system will make a number of initiatives on the reduction and recovery of waste.
The aim is to raise awareness of local communities on these issues. For this reason, the project involves different actors: from families to shops, condominium associations.
The project is promoted by the Environment Department and the Public Service , in collaboration with the Public Education. The School will participate in the project working together to Colorno audits of ongoing and production of brochures and fact sheets on proper waste management.
Tuesday, August 30 assessors and Mirko Reggiani Marco Boschini have shown that retailers have joined the project the first of five planned activities, which is to foster and dissemination of cloth diapers.
These days, all families of children born in 2010 will receive a letter in which the assessors Boschini Reggiani invite moms and dads to go to City Hall to pick up a free test kit of cloth diapers along with a discount of 50 Euro, which will be recognized when purchasing a supply of cloth diapers at the two stores conventions: Silvia and A & O Pharmacy Colorno Food.
The economic incentive for those who use cloth diapers is key because it recognizes the commitment to produce less waste. In practice is how to benefit from a discount rate because they decrease the waste.
Other incentives will be awarded by the Environmental Commission to stores that are involved and "Shop Light, activating in turn best practice waste reduction. These stores are then accredited by the City of Colorno as virtuous exercises, along with condominiums that will stand out better in the collection.
The project involves the collaboration of the transmission serivzio (Enìa) in the monitoring of collections and will involve AUSER Colorno with the action "re-use " on the recovery of durable goods discharged. In brief, an initiative to create networks of best practice on waste.
In case the project should benefit the provincial contribution will also activated the action "Take Sporta " Ban the bags of plastic and will be filmed at the school more funding for the collaboration in action.
-> The City of Light project .